Saturday, September 6, 2008

Electric Picnic

Oi povo, finde passado eu trabalhei neste festival ai, tinha MUITA coisa legal pra ver e muita musica boa tambem, bom da uma olhada nas fotos ai por que to com preguica de escrever ahhahahah

Hi guys, last weekend I worked in this festival, there were loooooooads of interesting things to see and lots of good concerts as well, anyway take a look at the pics cause I am quite lazy to write LOL

Eh um Bob Marley budista ou um Buda jamaicano???
Is it a buddhist version of Bob Marley or a Jamaican Buddha?

Uma dessas foi minha casa por duas noites ehhe
One of those was my home for nights

Balada onde cada um ouve o que quer hehehe

Dancing in the silence...

Coisas bizarras que a gente via por la


Andava e falava.
It was able to walk and speak.

Nao me perguntem o que era isso, soh sei que era bonito

Don't ask me what the fuck it was, all I know it was deadly cool

Galerinha animaaaaaaaaaaada...
Cooooooooollllll guuuuuysss

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